
https://vigilantesecurity.ca/index.shtml Homepage
This is the Penwarden Website Security Service Report Homepage for the saving of the Data securely of online Website Operators. Warding off malicious website Attacks, stonewall the malicious Malware onslaught at the Gate. 
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The Penwarden Website Security Service Reports aim to raise the Standard in Website Security stonewalling Malware at the Gate. https://vigilantesecurity.ca/index.shtml

Sorry, GOV.IL is one undefended website, the page you are looking for was not found securely, close the open Breach

Email V.S.

https://vigilantesecurity.ca/240_F_240551892_ehOyOJpPxqqqDY7udgsXV11RdTminD5H.jpg A self-portrait if you will, hard at Work. This is the PWS Govt of Israel Service Report for you Price tag https://vigilantesecurity.ca/israelgov.pricetag.shtml
Operator You have Visited here Times Today.


(The Script displays whether or not your Browser supports our Security JavaScript.)
                         Hello Shalom the PWS Government of Israel Service Report for the Security and Protection of the https://www.gov.il/ Website Home Page. The Israel Govt ACAD Firewall List would be comprised of stand alone malicious Domains & suspicious IPs. Also combining these two in Trail Mixes, doubling down on Security with a website WAF Firewall. The gov.il Website battles against Ransomware, Viruses in it's Website for supremacy online. Gov't Employees' Blackberry's are hacked into line [4395] and a Twitter hack at #4510. Malware in Red. . We are investigating Intrusion attempts who have drawn up the PWS Government of Israel Service Report and in so doing we be raising the standard in Website Security. We have uncovered [6867] Lines of blockable, verifiable, hidden, active, lethal Domains/IPs detected in the Homepage Source code of the Government of Israel Website https://www.gov.il/ Domain name, IP Address, and even hiding in the Source code. So, the malicious overseas IPs long overlooked and hidden embedded Malware is disabled from further activity. No Coding needed easy does it, only Copy and Paste the PWS Government of Israel All Culprits Access Denied (Israeli ACAD) Firewall List into the Head section of the Government of Israel Website https://www.gov.il/en Domain Source code and for added Protection duplicate a few of the [6867] Lines as Backup to be Listed in the WAF Firewalls as well, for malicious Domains and suspicious IPs.
            As well also, make a New Page URL, so to Add in the second s, for Security, example ie: /index.shtml for the Security Scripts to work. So also, add the two Security Javascripts to the Source code and begin effectively to stonewall the Malware at the Gate. To View the Source code in Firefox Press down the Keyboard Ctrl and U Keys.
                      Feel the comfort Website Security makes, stem the Flow, stop the Leaking. Block the siphoning, Spying and Espionage in it's tracks, the Trail it leaves behind can be traced back. Makes for an ACAD Firewall List, double down, add into the WAF Firewall its' highlights. All the Tree Trunks cut down from which the Branches live by blocking them off and walling them up with the PWS Government of Israel All Culprits Access Denied (Israeli ACAD) Firewall List and suffer the Roots. WAF Firewall Rules, this is Malware Security in action, monthly Monitoring is recommended for you to keep the PWS Government of Israel All Culprits Access Denied (Israeli ACAD) Firewall List fresh and the WAF Firewall with Monthly maintenance of 30 Hops and so keep Malware at arm's length. Email V.S.
                      All the malicious Domains and suspicious IPs comprising the PWS Gov't of Israel Secret Service Report All Culprits Access Denied (IsraelGov ACAD) Firewall List are found in readily available outlets online for Free, are verifiable and validity is easily confirmed. As for where does the Water in the Bottle come from, these malicious Domains and suspicious IPs are sourced from scanning the Domain name, IP address and Source code at sitecheck.sucuri.net and/or www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload. Each daily, and on occasion searched at a few more also, https://www.hybrid-analysis.com and https://myip.ms to be sure.
What type of firewall is a WAF?
What is a WAF? | Web Application Firewall explained.
A WAF or web application firewall helps protect web applications by filtering and monitoring HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet. It typically protects web applications from attacks such as cross-site forgery, cross-site-scripting (XSS), file inclusion, and SQL injection, among others.
What is the difference between perimeter firewall and WAF?
They complement each other: the network firewall blocks malicious traffic at the perimeter, while the WAF provides additional protection for web applications, ensuring comprehensive security coverage. Network firewalls and WAFs complement each other by providing defence-in-depth against different types of threats.
A host-based firewall is software that works on a singular device in a network, providing a protection layer by examining incoming and outgoing traffic.
It effectively filters harmful content, ensuring malware, viruses, and other malicious activities do not infiltrate the system. In environments where network security is paramount, host-based firewalls complement perimeter-based solutions. While perimeter defenses secure the broader network's boundaries, host-based firewalls bolster security at the device level.
-See How Does a Host-Based Firewall Work? https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/cyberpedia/what-is-a-host-based-firewall#:~:text=Host-based%20firewalls%20protect%20individual,controlling%20traffic%20for%20multiple%20devices.
The gov.il Website battles against Ransomware, Viruses in it's Website for supremacy online. Gov't Employees' Blackberry's are hacked into line [4396] and a Twitter hack at #4510. Malware in Red.
Note: the Domain http://good.com IP Redirects to: https://www.blackberry.com/us/en.
FYI, good.com Redirects to: https://www.blackberry.com/us/en, is it a hack Job on Blackberry's in Waterloo?
Registrant Organization: BlackBerry Limited, Registrant Street: 2200 University Avenue East, Registrant City: WATERLOO ON

Where are suspicious Domains and malicious IPs found to Block? Two places to look up are at TCPVIEW and in Command Prompt.
(To lock down malicious IPs please use New Rules (aka Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security)
             To Load up New Rules...
Click in Search box, click on Command Prompt and type in:>wf.msc
Click on left Panel 'Inbound Rules.' Click on right Panel 'New Rule...
Click 'Custom' Pick, Next, All programs, Next, Block the connection, Next, Next again. Add Name and optional description, Click Finish, DONE!
You have protected your Computer safely denying access to malware blocking incoming malicious IPs one at a time.
             To Load up TCPVIEW...
Download to your Computer Desktop TCPView for Windows - Sysinternals at: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/tcpview
Click 'Download TCPView' (1.5 MB)
On screen, click 'tcpview Application' to make changes.
With all open online Windows closed and so whose Ip's are left scan as suspicious, scum floats.

Bird's-Eye View of the lovely Dome of the Rock, occupant of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel. South of there might we be raising the ruins?